Today, I bought 10 more Actipatches and used the d
Post# of 8007
Items Qty Price
SKU: DA201PA01
10 $269.90
Subtotal $269.90
Discount (2025ISHERE40) ($107.96)
Tax $11.34
Shipping & Handling $0.00
Grand Total $173.28
If the Viant connection turns out to be what I think it is who knows what the price of an Actipatch will be in the future. I think it's prudent to have a good supply on hand. Never can tell what the future holds.
For me, and me alone, I have convinced myself the Viant connection is based on a signed contract for them to supply us w/ product b/c a major announcement is forthcoming. Which, by the way, does not necessarily mean any day now or imminent. CEO Kelly has an NDA bound schedule of release and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that.
My only request would be sooner rather than later.
Hope for the best, Prepare for the worst. Adapt - Improvise - Overcome
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
All the best, WBeacham
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