Re Gates and us
Post# of 150976

The quote below from an overall critical piece about the Gates Foundation might be of interest in case it's them who have taken almost 20% of our company.
"The foundation has put $500 million into its own nonprofit pharmaceutical enterprise, the Gates Medical Research Institute, according to Schwab, and it makes hundreds of millions of dollars in charitable gifts directly to for-profit pharmaceutical companies “in which the foundation’s endowment reported holding stocks and bonds, like Merck, Pfizer, and Novartis. This means the foundation is sometimes positioned to benefit financially from its charitable partnerships.”
Through its grant contracts and ownership stakes in pharmaceutical companies big and small, the elite foundation aggressively, and coercively, acquires useful knowledge about the intellectual property underlying all of the pharmaceutical products whose development it finances. In the education of policymakers and the public, it steadfastly defends the patent-system structure in which intellectual-property rights are exercised and monetized by it and Big Pharma, if those are even separate. It protects and defends specific patents in always implicitly threatened or occasionally actual lawsuits, as well.”

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Le-Ron-Li-Mab, and they have not.