Your post suddenly made cwrn the 7th busiest stock
Post# of 8059

there have been an increasing number of words for over 50 years re the deliverance/restoration coming for the good guys-I first saw it in a powerful vision 50 years ago.
In 2011 a large brokerage with serious financial problems decided to illegally freeze longs in many penny stocks, including crwn, while they and every mutant group shorted cwrn to .00001- i've written about it on the board many times-then other brokerages got in the game -seeing that the 1st brokerage suffered no consequences.
Many other illegal deprivations against low penny stocks/longs were conducted from ca 2010 and afterwards bc the highest elected official at that time - who had been the most liberal member of the senate-who hated the usa and its history and planned on bringing it down decided that all business was evil and had to be destroyed
[this was all explained in a documentary on pbs as i remember - a network that approved of this many years ago-and i've written about it many times-so that it could be replaced by marxism and socialism etc.
The illegal usurper and his puppets has illegally ruled in some ways until the 2024 elections . His authority and many like him will now be removed as per many prophecies.
Julie Green has had the most amazing almost continuous in prophetic terms series of prophecies re this change into justice restoration etc that has begun. Protocol requires I provide another witness-which is -where thousands of not as detailed prophecies agree.
When I went to law school in obedience to the cult leader as part of their proclaimed control of the legal system and essentially every system
the school taught "forget childhood concepts of justice liberty truth morality etc-those things no longer exist etc
the cults controlled every church I visited also- almost all dead churches parroting the adversary- i/ve never even personally seen a 5 fold minister who had Him as G-d for the adversary would steal their word and witness within minutes despite thier always saying it was the strongest anointing of thier lives.
What happens in a war when only one side even recognizes the war is occurring- they get taken prisoner of course!!! with the adversary operating thru thier own unrecognized rebellion.
These things were all in response to the usa and uk being used in WW2 to stop the adversaries puppet hitler etc from a premature world takeover- the adversary saw the usa was too powerful to be taken out by any group of countries . The usa had ca 125 carriers more powerful navy than the rest of the world combined for many decades and after ww2 produced 70% of the worlds goods-China only produces 50%.
So the adversaries plan was to capture the usa from the inside by destroying its covenant -65%of the ww2 generation were bible believing xtians- fact- hard to believe today isnt it - well that shows how successful the adversary was in capturing almost every institution and people group.
Well the true power(need to water everything down, dont we) has said enough is enough and sudden change and sudden turn of events is in process- most cannot see it despite the warfare being out in the open in congress since 2008 -and we saw the results of that in the stock market in the illegal deprivations/thefts against thousands of penny stocks and 100's of thousands of longs.
I've seen all my life that humans dont know what justice is and dont want it. In all the decades of visitations i was used to give various institutions (including the legal system) nobody ever stood w me except for one person.
Ive spoken before of the word years ago that the tide is turning and soon even the crackheads will be able to see it.
the theft against longs ever since 2009 is to my knowledge the largest specific system theft. Justice is coming but man does not have any available methods to exact justice since it is so foreign to humans.
Besides the difficult unprecedented forensic accounting that would have to be done to give longs justice is incomprehensible to man. So the author of life presumably will have to use other methods as noted in the prophecies noted above=which show what i've seen for decades but never experienced myself- read about the 1st exodus in the word-since 1989 this-what is coming- has been described as the 2nd exodus-no its not the end of time or the church age- but why shoudnt the good guys finally reap what they have sown-and vica versa-its the law-what good is the law if it is never enforced