Time and sales Date: Dec 05, 2024 Start time:
Post# of 348

Date: Dec 05, 2024
Start time: Time (eg: 09:30:00.000)
End time: Maximum Results 1K
Date/Time Condition Price Shares Exch/Mkt
12/03/2024 12:38:03 ET 0.00025 10,000,000 OTCBB
12/03/2024 15:06:53 ET 0.0003 4,750,241 OTCBB
12/03/2024 9:48:20 ET 0.0002 3,350,000 OTCBB
12/03/2024 9:48:06 ET 0.0002 1,250,000 OTCBB
12/03/2024 12:04:44 ET 0.00025 430,000 OTCBB
12/04/2024 12:36:17 ET 0.0003 290,000 OTCBB
12/04/2024 14:40:53 ET 0.0002 250,000 OTCBB
12/02/2024 15:20:41 ET 0.0003 250,000 OTCBB
12/03/2024 12:04:57 ET 0.0002 232,000 OTCBB
12/04/2024 10:08:22 ET 0.0002 165,111 OTCBB
12/03/2024 9:30:32 ET 0.0002 112,000 OTCBB
12/02/2024 13:31:01 ET 0.0002 100,000 OTCBB
Investors Hangout: https://investorshangout.com/timeandsales/DRNG#ixzz8tYMdgGaQ

DRONE GUARDER, INC. (DRNG) Stock Research Links
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