A response to Post #283,119 on I-shrub: >>>>>>>
Post# of 149
<< Who is the MVP of 2024 though?
1. Kim Thompson
2. Jon Rice
3. Dr. Miller
4. Dr. Kumar
5. All of the above.
I vote for 5.
The answer is 5, obviously. But every team has a manager. In this case, the manager is also the Founder and Creator of Kraig Biocraft, and, as such, deserves the Lion's share of the credit. He founded the company in 2006 and 16 yrs later, here we are, on the cusp of what may be one of the greatest (sustainable, adaptable, and unmatched) advancements in Material Science in a very long time. The road has been long w/ all the bumps and bruises. CEO Kim Thompson has weathered the storm and is about to take yet another leap into the future. This is what leaders do. I made my bet many years ago and have not wavered since, nor shall I today. I, like many of you, am eagerly, and optimistically, looking forward to the web conference.
You know what to do … BUY MORE SHARES !!!
We are the * NEXT * BIG * THING *
Later, WBeacham