Cardamine, just to clarify that in my mind NIAID would have put drugs like pemivibart in the “COVID MAB” bucket, which are designed for passive post exposure to preclude viral attachment to the H2 receptor by neutralizing it. Leronlimab is a monoclonal antibody that works very differently so in my mind should be classified differently but I have no knowledge regarding NIAID intentions for that category and it may well be they put Leronlimab in that group. I’m going to email Jeanne Marrazzo and ask as well as stress that Leronlimab is well positioned for trial in that it has already completed a phase 2 trial for the long COVID with results suggesting immune modulation as the mechanism of action and with biomarkers acting as an adjunct to softer study measures like symptom scores. It was clear from the way she and others were speaking that while they expressed an open mind…and heart…they did have preference for agent’s positioned to pick up as a phase 2/3, not 1 that had a biomarker footprint that can affirm its mechanism of action.