Wow! Perhaps my dream may come true faster than I thought. In fact, I am still dreaming! All it takes is just partnership with 100/200M. Then, we have much better p values in next P2 trials in mCRC, TNBC, or chronic inflammation, etc. bcuz we have MOA to back it all up; otherwise it will be extremely difficult for someone like our scholar Ohm to come up with his impressive list. I have to confess that I haven't studied so many medical articles/journals since 35 years ago when I had my last degree. LL is one of the miracle molecules I never see. So far, everything our smart and result-oriented Dr. J touches, it turns to gold. Excuse me for being too excited because we are indeed heading in the right direction.
Please delete my post if I am getting way off. Hey! I am ready after the last few years of accumulation > 1M shares. Definitely, science helps you to invest with confidence.