Ok. Nice idea, for the 6th time. Lol You change
Post# of 13289
You change horses and their jockeys as often as a baby gets it diaper changed. It never ends until the company ends. You’re married.
Reminds me of the following former trustees of yours that are not so trusted anymore. lol
Blissful Holdings (Mexico) promo partner
Reeau (Australia) promo partner
Aspireme (Australia) promo partner
Geopath (waste)
PT.IDN solar tech (Indonesia) (used this partner)
Ri Transit (terminated)
Howell-Nj transit (terminated)
Star Metro Fl transit (terminated)
Nano Technology (who are they? lol)
Marine Electric Service (Nj pals)
Eterbright solar (mystery Nano/cigs)
Stion Solar (defunct co. Nano/cigs)
State of Alabama (bond/incentives hype)
City of Elba (Environmental Testing)
Kenny Whatley (your trusted r/e agent)
Ri-Dem (bragged about them before its final denial)
Atlas Transit Solutions (used this wifi shelter partner)
Premier Media(bus shelters sales partner)
Focus Media (bus shelters sales partner)
Too bad you can’t trust the company, versus its partners, until they become the reason/excuse for another nothing burger project following well-planned and orchestrated OTC promotion.
Addicted to the koolade and now acting like you owe the company after a fluke promotion during free money covid stock pump.
in my opinion