CopyTele....we are going to have gangs no matter what but any one especially a President that reverses the border construction that Trump-o was doing should be run out of the USA. Biden knew better than to pull the crap he did referencing the border and if he looses that will probably be a good reason. Now Trump-o if he is allowed to secure the running in the General election he will probably win but if Trump keeps running his mouth he will lose far to many that are on the fence. With the felony convictions regardless if scam or not he was convicted and many will never entertain or want the constant bombardment of political news as they work to damn hard to come home and listen to much of what we all study from day in and day out so they will vote him down. Trumps worst enemy is his mouth but if he wises up as it "somewhat looks"????? he might clinch the White House again. The move to look for is who he chooses to be his running mate as that person has the ability for two Presidential terms if Trump doesn't screw up.