China with its labor force and its technology...stolen or otherwise is a communist regime bent on ...being the source of All things...and in that, have a controlling interest of All that it touches...I was looking for a mold maker just before Covid-19 hit..and everyone I spoke to with knowledge of the market...told me the molds here in Los Angeles were bought by Chinese companies at a fraction of their original value...We outsourced our jobs and much of manufacturing...Out of the country, so We as a nation could buy cheaper Everything. We cannot beat China on manufacturing...that's a fools errant with our labor laws,,,cost of materials etc. The game is over...the Federal government should have been building microchips 4-5 administrations ago...they outsourced it to the cheapest parties...because now, We are mostly a consumer nation...bent on spending...
There is a an old Cree Proverb...Only when the last tree has died...and the last river has been poisoned...and the last fish caught...will We realize...We cannot eat money.
The Asian population generally thinks generationally...not in their lifetime...their wealth comes over time...North America doesn't think that way...everyone wants lt now. We are now knee- jerking to everything they throw at us. They have already infiltrated the Pharmaceutical industry as an inexpensive alternative... and yet,... We have the most expensive drugs on the planet.