John Fife characterized as a " recidivist violator of the Federal Securities Law" petitioned for a (Writ of Certiorari) via his attorney...kicking a case from lower jurisdiction court to the Supreme Court...Mr Fife in claiming he used only his own money... rather than other peoples money....additionally Not being a member of the SEC (FINRA) the stepchild...a non-profit,...therefore was not subject to their jurisdictional rules of play. He didn't want the Governance...just the money.
He also missed a bag going around the bases... essentially disqualified himself.
A Motion to Dismiss was granted to the defendant (FINRA)...It took the better part of 12 years to get there..
Incidentally he owned 12.50% of Gordon...a Securities firm...probably didn't help his petition.
When last seen... mr.Fife was out in left field...looking for the missing base.