Thanks Enjay, I mentioned 72% RO for LL. Cant p
Post# of 148168
I mentioned 72% RO for LL. Cant place that result of ours. But one dosage in one leg of a trial. Too lazy frankly to record or research it. So hopefully I’m fairly accurately remembering that.
I also may remember we had 100% RO in another study sometime after. This strikes me as a 700 mg dosage, or perhaps AAV delivered in vitro in Macaques. The point being, LL may be able to occupy 100% of CCR5 receptors if over time enough of the stuff remains in the body. With perhaps a little diarrhea to flush the extra proteins.
If so, measuring is accurate, and competitive versus allosteric binding remains true, then we replicate the Delta-32 allele mutation for all or most individuals.
Pretty cool. Hopefully it helps my memory one day!