The concept of stop loss is very important to me, and right now, I'm diving deep into its nuances. I'm genuinely thankful for stumbling upon this forum. I see it as the perfect spot to connect with like-minded people and get some practice in. Recently, I attended an interesting webinar hosted by Thomas Kralov. I've known for a while that Thomas is a Hedge Fund manager with big experience and trading coach, but to be honest, I wasn't too serious about forex investments. Probably because I didn't really get the hang of it. But what convinced me was that more than 5,000 of other people have been trained by him, so I decided to join too. Of course, it would be crazy to say I became an experienced investor overnight. But I've learned to identify financial tools that can help me save, navigate through inevitable financial crises, and what it takes to earn up to $5,000 a week. That's quite something, I guess, especially when I used to think such an amount was hard for an average person to earn. I've signed up for an upcoming trading educational program from Thomas as well. It's going to have a big focus on Forex. I hope this program will also meet my expectations. And if you don't mind, I'll be practicing right here.