My wife and I took the Novavax shots (parts 1 and 2) in November 2022. We got the Novavax booster in May 2023. After the initial two shots, we both suffered from inflammation in the joints, and soreness to the point that it limited our mobility. Prior to that, our immune systems were robust. We never suffered anything long term. After the booster, we developed Pity-psoriasis. The inflammation, in our joints, increased to the point that we could hardly walk. Our doctor diagnosed our joint issues as Osteoarthritis, and the inflammation as common with Osteoarthritis. My wife's inflammation was less acute than mine. I take Meloxicam to help with the inflammation now. Our Pity-psoriasis breakouts are in almost identical locations. Both of our right hand index fingers are swollen to twice their normal size. Our doctor says that the issues should self resolve in a couple of years. We have not had COVID. Now, we regret getting the shots.