Last night's topic of using LL as a regular drug r
Post# of 146309
Bob Newhart did great stand up comedy. So I'll cast him as the doc taking a phone call from a patient.
Yes, hello Mrs. Smith. I'm calling you back about your triple negative breast cancer treatment question. You're right, we could use LL, but we're waiting while they finish inventing/developing/perfecting/trialing/ducks-in-a-rowing the longer acting version so you'd only have to do your subQ injection once per month.
And so I think it's best if ... What's that? Yes, subcutaneous injection, that's what I said. Yes, yes, that's right, just like your husband uses for his sugar ... Yes, I'm aware he injects several times per day, but... What? Yes, I'm not surprised it's painless for him. Most patients say that.
So anyway ... Leronlimab is safe and was tested as once per week subQ injection with great receptor occupancy. What's that? Why can't you just do what? Oh, use LL once per week? Well right, but big pharma says people want ... Well, no Mrs. Smith, I don't know if those people have TNBC ... Yes, I agree it makes sense to go once weekly, but it's not available or approved ...Yes, yes, I know it's your life we're talking about.
No, no, I don't know how many weeks or months you have left, although I think LL looks very promising. And ... What? Well, you can say that to them if you want, but honestly, I might lose my job if I said that ... What? Personal injury attorney? Not a bad idea. Goodbye, Mrs. Smith. And Good Luck.