UNVC: Just a friendly reminder, remember how the speculative board has pumped, JPMorgan Kismet, Airel, Dream Exchange, Nasdaq, the list is so long!! now its Doc has bought 51% of Bio-Remedies MD with the 100 million shares he transferred to the DTC so he could sell them. Why would they want to take shares of UNVC when every week the price keeps dropping, UNVC has no business except for the shares Doc keeps selling to help his retirement, it's hard to live like a millionaire on BEER MONEY.
Dalton told investors that Bio-Remedies MD was Univec's over 3 years ago, what happened????
Just a new narrative to try and pump it up.
All the speculative pumping is just so new investors and older ones will keep buying the shares they are flipping, or have been, I think it went south now!!!