You really need to appreciate that “BP” is not a collective waiting you out. They are competitors with each other. You snooze you loose. Cytodyn clearly needs to partner/collaborate unless pennies start falling from heaven but they are running lean enough to work through an optimal deal that makes sense for them, which is to say, us…anyone holding shares owns the future. That includes Antonio, Cyrus et al that have a stake in an optimal decision. “BP” is not “waiting Cytodyn out”. Each BP makes their own decision knowing if you hold out too long the music stops on the Cakewalk and you are left without a chair to sit on and the prospect of a decent slice of cake-heaven.
While you wait, for a peek at your cake future try this wonderful Maida Heatter Austrian Chocolate Walnut Torte…light and flour-less piece of heaven. Don’t get too bogged down with pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving…