puTzz cut the name calling and answer the question
Post# of 125258
You never did say how happy you are to help the New Americans in Shitcago
And are you opening up your doors to tack some in right > > Rrrriight
Adams floats idea of New Yorkers housing migrants in ‘private residences’
You f'ing moron, the city is handling it. How are you handling the impending law suit against DeSantis for kidnapping and transporting people across state lines?
You dumb prick, you have no solutions for any problems facing this country and neither do any of the GOP assholes running for president.
Snowflake assholes like YOU care about Professor Wokeism.
As for Chicago, I wouldn't trade place with a f'ing moron like you for anything.
Believe every alarmist headline you read. It won't change the fact that the cities you revile produce the GDP taxed and redistributed to Trumpanzees like you.
FU and your loaded moronic questions. I gave you my answer you dumb f'ing hick.