Where were Medrecyler subsidiary & Ri transit contract termination 8-Ks within 5 days after occuring ...when shareholders needed to know? Not even a tweet? Take a guess why? Because the company spends most of its time hiding behind a curtain while posting b.s. on twitter. Company is trying to manipulate the stock by only presenting things they want shareholders to know. One never sees 8-Ks or tweets about things shareholders would benefit from knowing 4-5 days after material events versus 4 months or later. Shareholders have to wait for a quarterly of annual filing to find out about material events adverse to the company's financials or operations. Or they can figure out how to find out about such adverse material events by relying on the public's due diligence. Methinks they are figuring out the latter process more each month.
No 8-K about new EPC subsidiary formed, but an 8-K about the same entity signing some paper offering to spend 3 mil on a property without no loan for 10 months since being hyped.
in my humble opinion
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