I have been not only pushing this small float si
Post# of 94146
I have been not only pushing this small float since the .003 I have been tying yup most the shares with a buy.
I see the nickle now on the golden cross and I hear also this week several other groups now see the chart explosion.
This has a new company coming in and new CEO owns the WWW.CMP.LY.com website
wave readers own this float now and like 1000% sales ahead.
If XFMY breaks the million Monday they wil break the two million Tuesday as well and see over the .05 price that fast as company has been buying the shares off the market as well the last six months.
Here is another I will be adding now next week on the wave. this one like the XFMY I found had only five marks on IHUB before I started sending this out.
Both now are exploding and huge news this week on ASAE as well as filings and news coming on the new XFMY comp[any.
XFMY sold there computer business for 1,3 million and used the sale to pay off all the debentures as well.
the three new directors on XFMY have experince in Web business wallstreet finacne and promoting new wall street companies so this is a huge reverse merger now on 25 million or less on the market.
Symbol Name Price Chg % Chg Volume
ASAE Asap Expo 0.0600 0.0450 300.00% 142,725
Myriad Interactive 0.0320 0.0175 120.69% 4,354,559