Did you read the Mueller report? Presidential get out of jail free card? No charges because of what? The Mueller report is so redacted that it’s almost black. What does that mean to you? All the secrecy is not needed if it’s all above board right? But yet it’s almost all black. National security takes over for the collusion that is Trump and Russia. Did Russia not admit election meddling? Let alone Trump taking Putin the liar’s word over our own intelligence departments at the time. Is there something wrong with this picture? Just because the right wing states something doesn’t make it true. Ever heard of propaganda that goes unchecked in your wing?
Did you not hear that there was a deal going on in Moscow for a Trump Hotel as Trump was running first time for president. No collusion huh? Really?
You can go through life believing propaganda of the right wing. You will always be the ignorant one in your group for actually believing it.