It has been a very long time, I will be the first
Post# of 5282
It has been a very long time, I will be the first to admit. A very strange set of events may have even made it seem longer. For personal reasons I have been confined to close contact with a computer. I have watched, over the years, as Telvue grew and made mistakes. Through the good times and the bad it became apparent to me that something or someone was playing with the share price and the more I watched the easier it was to see. As most of you know you can not tell at a glance if a company has short interest or not. Just as we all know we do not have an inflation ratio of 3%. More like 17%.
Having said that I will say that along with it all I have watched a company struggle in a tough industry. Lately I have watched that company emerge as the leader if their field. They have some who do parts of what they do but they have no competition where the complete package of cloud computing and local streaming video is concerned. With it all, in a world economy that is the worst in history they will continue. In hind sight I could have bet on Google or I could have made the mistake of betting it all on Lehman Brothers.
Telvue is the bet I have made. Should shorty or whoever take the share price down and shake the trees to see what falls out of weak hands I will say thank you very much. My intention is to continue to gather shares as I can and making them cheaper for me is great. For those of you who are in a hurry and wish to leave I say God speed. I feel no responsibility for those who can not stand the heat. Hold what you have and if you should get the chance in the future hold more and say thanks to the short man.
Telvue Corp (TEVE) Stock Research Links
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.