Insiders Percentage and they have not stop buying
Post# of 24955
In investing, it is always worth while to find out who are the majority shareholders of the company. Understanding of business ownership structure is vital as it determines who is in control of the company and its direction. Moreso, having a large number of shares would either benefit or loses most when the stock price moves.
Data shows that insiders recently bought shares in the company and they were rewarded after market cap rose US$64m last week.
Small companies that are not very actively traded often, thus lack institutional investors. It is more common to see institutional investors in larger companies instead.
There are multiple explanations for why institutions don't own a stock. The most common is that the company is too small relative to funds under management, so the institution does not bother to look closely at the company. Alternatively, there might be something about the company that has kept institutional investors away.
Hedge funds don't have many shares in Regencell Bioscience Holdings. With a 81% stake, CEO Yat-Gai Au is the largest shareholder. It's usually considered a good sign when insiders own a significant number of shares in the company, and in this case, it’s glad to see a company insider with such skin in the game. In comparison, the second and third largest shareholders hold about 7.6% and 0.1% of the stock.
With a 11% ownership, the general public, mostly comprising of individual investors, have some degree of sway over Regencell Bioscience Holdings. This size of ownership, while considerable, may not be enough to change company policy if the decision is not in sync with other large shareholders.
With a stake of 7.6%, private equity firms could influence the Regencell Bioscience Holdings board. Some might like this, because private equity are sometimes activists who hold management accountable. But other times, private equity is selling out, having taking the company public.