I see there are the usual down and outers posting
Post# of 3400

Re: agua77 post# 58104
Wednesday, November 02, 2022 11:36:32 AM
Post# of 58106
I guess anything is possible when you are guessing. Guessing is fun but I would like to remind you that the current pps is lower (much lower) than when this EGOC stock was defunct and basically a nothing burger being cleaned up by Lazar to make it whole and real again and a legitimate ticker. The filings are current and we have had press releases from the new EGOC outlining to some degree their intentions for the near future. There is ample evidence to show that EGOC is being owned and operated now by Pangbo Group as is evident by a long list of videos , articles, etc etc and EGOC is even on their web site for all to see. The whole OTC is beat up right now !
You seem to guess that if there isn't any assets immediately shown on the quarterly the result will be doom and gloom.. I think we have already experienced the doom and gloom as a result of an impatient seller or two while we wait for the big reveal. No guarantee that the big reveal will happen this quarter but it should happen at some point. It costs Pangbo Group/EGOC considerable amounts of money and time and effort keeping EGOC current in their filings and by the looks of it (the last press release in particular) they are busy working towards their lofty goals. I remain quite confident in my DD and some others DD concerning this ticker. "I AM READY" since you asked. Have a great day. All just my opinions of course.