Following is a comment I posted today on Biontech'
Post# of 63
I am writing to you as a shareholder of both Biontech (BNTX) and Matinas Biopharma (MTNB).
It has been almost six months since BNTX paid almost $4 million USD for the exclusive negotiating rights to license MTNB's liquid nano crystal (LNC) delivery system.
Although I understand BNTX has had its scientists working with MTNB even before this six month exclusivity period started, no agreement has as yet been reached with MTNB.
It appears obvious that a collaboration with MTNB for use of its LNC delivery platform would be in the best interests of BNTX, MTNB, and the world, as it would allow BNTX's mRNA drugs--that now have to be administered intravenously, and stored at extremely cold temperatures--to be delivered orally, and stored, for many months, at room temperature.
LNC delivery has the added benefit of having far fewer side effects than delivery of mRNA drugs and vaccines using LNP.
In addition, because MTNB owns the rights to use of LNC, and BNTX's patents on LNP are being challenged by Moderna, and others, licensing MTNB's LNC delivery platform, for use with existing and future mRNA drugs and vaccines, provides for legal certainty that does not exist with LNP.
As I am sure you know, the safety and effectiveness of MTNB's LNC delivery system has recently been validated in a clinical trial for the LNC version of amphotericin b for patients with cryptococcal meningitis (CM) where an astounding 90-95% of the patients are still alive after six weeks, with minimal side effects. In that CM is 100% fatal if left untreated, and the LNC version of amp b handily bested the standard of care with far fewer adverse events, while crossing the blood brain barrier, these results are highly promising for BNTX's mRNA drugs and vaccines.
For all of these reasons, it is puzzling that BNTX would not have already entered into a licensing agreement with MTNB for use of its LNC delivery system.
I am sure BNTX has its reasons for not having already entered into a licensing agreement with MTNB. However, given the importance of this collaboration--not only to not to BNTX and MTNB, but to the world--I would urge BNTX to finalize its agreement with MTNB before its one-year exclusivity period ends in April 2023, when MTNB will be at liberty to license its LNC platform to Moderna, Pfizer, or any other companies who are developing mRNA drugs.
Thank you,
Shareholder of BNTX and MTNB