Watch the replay!What do you think? “ #Originc
Post# of 2815

“ #Originclear $OCLN they have a whole-hotel water purification system and the hotel chain is planning to install more to eliminate “Forever Chemicals”. Separately they are in talks to set up off-grid water treatment for housing developments, financed with Water On Demand capital.
This is huge, big home builders are using them in new housing developments, this is huge!!
Amazing production revenue 240% and profits 288% the month of may was more than the whole 2021, More and more pump stations and lift stations big big business being signed up everyday, I’m feeling another amazing Q coming out soon, (look at this photo and just put two and two together) more in the pipeline with new stations coming online, generating revenue, very efficient cause it’s all built on site so no supply issues, so the value there is key for new customers and huge capital cost reduction to the end user, wow! National accounts, municipal level contracts, increase revenue month over month, very large national retail customers, really solved a lot of problems for all these national accounts projected to be on track over the next next few years 8 figure top line revenue!!! “You heard that - and that’s just the pump station biz!”Wow it’s all going in the right direction it’s real people, very exciting fan, kicking but!! Water on demand” wow!
“Water is like an oil well”now!! Lol.. have a good evening check out the replay and at these cheap prices I’d be thanking a closer look, amazing. Have a great day!

#stockstobuy #stockstowatch #stockonhighalert Charles DAvanzo