Now that is funny Medrecycler-RI.LLC was a subs
Post# of 12600
Medrecycler-RI.LLC was a subsidiary of Medrecycler LLC which is a subsidiary of SNPW.
Per 10Q
On May 28, 2021, MedRecycler, LLC, exchanged its 51% interest in MedRecycler RI, Inc. a Rhode Island Corporation for a profit participation agreement with MedRecycler RI, Inc. MedRecycler RI, Inc. was created for the Medical Waste to Energy facility that the Company was attempting to finance and operate in West Warrick, Rhode Island. The Company no longer consolidates MedRecycler RI, Inc. as of May 28, 2021 and all Assets and Liabilities have been sold and/or settled.
If the company sold the franchise why would they keep it LLC active?