Eric Sprott And Top 10 Mutual Funds Holding Euro S
Post# of 103135
Mutual fund Stake Shares
owned Total value ($) Shares
bought/sold Total
LF Ruffer Investment Funds - Gold... 8.26% 14,604,000 1,460,400 0 0.00%
ASA Gold & Precious Metals Ltd. 6.91% 12,212,121 1,221,212 +392,767 +3.32%
Franklin Gold & Precious Metals F... 5.65% 10,000,000 1,000,000 0 0.00%
FTIF SICAV - Gold & Precious Fund 1.70% 3,000,000 300,000 0 0.00%
Globo I 0.09% 150,000 15,000 0 0.00%
ESM (search ticker) CPNFF
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