What a sad situation $MONI apparently needs privat
Post# of 5115

Could these private investors post whatever they want on social media like the company just bought 10 gold minds in Antarctica and investors are going to be filthy rich if they 'get in early'!!!
Look at the name moni_moonequityholdings, like twitter, seems such an odd name for and 'official' account.
Oh that's right. It's not the official account 'of' the company. It's 'for' the company. Many people that might invest in the company wouldn't know that chicanery.
Once they discover they've been fool, then people will blame them that their DD wasn't as good as the investors that have been in every shapeshifting version of the company for 17 years.
I bet Alice didn't have access to the Instagram account either like she said she, as the CEO, had no control over the twitter account.
The questions is, who owns these accounts? I guess I didn't do 'enough DD' as maybe the answer should be staring me right in the face, eh?
Something some might realize, but if you owned the account, you might actually be one of the 35 followers.
I took a look and also copied the list. Bingo!
What's odd is I didn't see Frank or Alice as followers on the list but their were names. Oh, there were names.
Oh well. Cyber crime is a real thing. So are Pumps 'N Dumps. Fines, penalties and jail time go substantially up if one does it for financial benefit.