Unfortunately reverse splits for cash strapped pink sheet stocks never go well in my opinion. For example NTEK did a 25.1 reverse split and the after split shares were .07 which quickly went down to .01 and now .0001. Why does a small pink sheet company with billions of shares outstanding need to do r/s? It's because no banks are going to loan them needed money to keep going until they can pay it back. No assets no loans. Too risky. Issuing shares only way to go but who is going to buy at .0001 and how many billions you have to issue to raise enough to over costs.? So a r/s to get price to .05 to issue a billion more shares is about the only option left to stay solvent. Original shareholders stock becomes highly diluted. GTEH President Leonard Armenta stated in paid to be interviewed that GTEH was progressing with deals in the works, international exposure in discussing the corporate renaming to identify more with products they are promoting like Fizzique. So if what he says is true there maybe a chance that this could turn out all right for us. Hear interview at www.moneytv.net.