Just Facts... Yes, I understand that every stoc
Post# of 5115

Yes, I understand that every stock must end, aw-huh,.
Did anyone look into Alist exit of CITI?
Me, I did.
Didn't you?
Might explain why she joined MONI part-time as the solo contractor
Bet many investors assumed she was not only doing the lords work in mines but could easily transition to Crypto
Did anyone look at the period of time before Alist left CITI and joined MONI?
Me, I did.
Didn't you?
I'm really, really familiar with Alists and the reasons why they leave big corps
Raise you hand if you are too?
Can anyone post why Alist left CITI?
Can anyone post why Alist, free agent couldn't' get picked up by another global brand, yet alone national in the months of looking?
Can anyone post why Alist was the perfect part-time, 'contractor' hire for a holding company of a mine?
Seems a 'stretch' from her daily CITI job unless CITI had checking or savings accounts stored in mines?
I bet a few here are smart enough to figure out why Alist would sell her name to a penny stock.
Waiting to here from the 3 of them...