This PR spells out exactly what we all knew about
Post# of 72440
The NIH and NIAID knows it works against many variants to a degree other drugs cannot. They also know from the testing on the 20 other viral strains they did (I am assuming here that this testing will also prove quite positive) that B is a killer drug so I don't really see what further testing needs to be done except on patients.
They know the dosage and dosings needed from the clinical trial as to the Compassionate Use patients, which drugs hinder B working, and that B must be administered soon after a patient's infection of Covid.
Time to knock off the BS and put B in another trial right away (at govt cost as IPIX is near broke) and get some treatment lined up for later this year when they expect Covid and new variations to pop up. Let's run this trial totally in the USA.
Biden said just yesterday they need lots of money for this new threat on the horizon; if IPIX and B isn't given money immediately to get it going then it is pretty clear solving the Covid problem is really not a major concern of govt, they just want big bucks for whatever other programs fill their agenda..