have a $3.5k mattress and always (forever) duck down feathers. until around 2 years ago. I bought the king pillows from Lindell. and will say that you can't beat his pillows. For many years when I travel my pillow always went with me. I want perfect sleep and won't have it any other way. Now I did remove a bit of the contents inside of his pillow to get the exact position I require. I recall years ago I didn't try his pillows because there were comments on the INET about the pillows being noisy when you move your head around? That is BS. The other factor you don't need to fluff their pillows up like you do with the old duck feather down pillows although you can but they pretty much maintain there comfort/position.
Now I don't know but probably a combination of mattress and pillow but to sleep within 5-9 minutes unreal, seriously. Now of course if something is bothering me like Leo and Hawks that evening then it take 11 minutes to go to sleep.