I will be ecstatic to hear the news either way if it happens in June. Just preparing myself if it does not happen. I want the 700mg NASH data as much as you do or anyone else to happen as soon as possible. Then if we are not currently courting a partner as we hope for NASH and no NDA is in place… then hopefully we get all the interest in the world from releasing what we hope is the best phase 2 study on NAFLD/NASH to date ever trialed. Let it be a fight a of the biggest bidder or offer to be our partner. It’s what I dream about at night.
I was not trying to be negative in any way. It was only meant to chat about “what ifs”. Lately everything in my world is a work in progress and nothing is guaranteed until you actually either experience it or see it with your own eyes. My glasses are all cleaned up and ready for great things to happen. Time will tell.