You all about abortions it weighs more on a female to take birth control or a morning after pill but in sharing that responsibility comes a man who should also be 50% of the factual act. So as I have stated (and of course no one has asked me) I believe a woman should be permitted to abort but not abort every 3 months or abuse what may be permitted and furthermore, there are complications of incest and in rape that any normal person (being open to discussions) would also consider. This area is very complex yet of course an abortion is the loss of potential life but on both sides of the individual that this involves can be devastating regardless of choice and those not actually going through the process of aborting may not understand the pain regardless or aborting or not.
The echo of the "actual abortion sound" if you were to hear it will never leave your ears that is why I hope that deters some from having a second abortion. Now I have no clue if they pop these females with a tad of Propofol or just Versed but if they do then I double that would stop future abortions
....Salty, bring me back a bottle of Kentucky 101...actually two as I wanna send one to Leo.