Seems to have started out with toxic debt, but cleaned most of it up over the last year. They currently have two or three long-term financiers who are focused on holding at least until NASDAQ uplist, where existing convertible debt will convert to preferred shares. But one prior holdout seems to be selling shares and driving price down. That may be over as volume has been lower last couple of trading days. Time will tell. For those who believe in the assets, it's a good buying opportunity. Although nothing is certain, there seems to be a lot of interest in Tollovir and Tollovid. Expecting news on those fronts in the coming weeks. Lots of good feedback on Twitter for Tollovid for those suffering with long haul Covid. Tens of thousands of followers for some providing feedback. Should bode well for revenue as many are afflicted with these issues and the platform provides a great way to spread the word about Tollovid with real-time feedback from users.