Thursday marks a month since UNVC shareholders had our supposed update from Dr Dalton in the form of a YouTube video. Some cheered and were happy like kids receiving a Christmas present. Then there was the supposed early release of annual financials. All followed by the deafening silence that has plagued this stock for the almost 4 years I have been invested. Quiet periods assumed only to lead into other supposed quiet periods. The top secret plan of Dr Dalton is secret as to not supposedly tip off competitors. But also not to tip of shareholders who have been blinded by promises of wealth, only to keep blindly investing more and more of their hard earned money without a verifiable reason. The narrative has once again been changed by those most vocal in the stock. Now it is in Q1 reports that shareholders will have all the answers. What says management? By the looks of things could that promise of a Happy New Year be reflective of a happy end of year? What says management? Nearing the end of Q1 2022 and Univec has no foreseeable direction, no guidance for shareholders. Shareholders are left to guide other shareholders. Unwise IMHO.