I want to ask in all serious here........ Who i
Post# of 36551

Who is now in charge of Generex and NuGenerex and who is now over the Board of Directors and who is now on the Board of Directors?
With Joe in Dubai and literally doing nothing for either company and basically doing his own little thing in Dubai, Generex and NuGenerex is floating arouind in the ocean of OTC going back and forth not doing squat. So, who is going to be in charge or take charge and do something with all that?
Joe has effectively taken his hands off the steering wheel and we need a new driver to get this going if it even can. But there needs to be someone, anyone who is more capable, trustworthy and someone who can make something out of all of this mess.
Every single shareholder should be upset after so many years of all of this. We all deserved better. Conference calls that told us how great things were when they were not. PRs that told all these great billion and million dollar deals that we never saw profits materialize, lets alone one thing come out of.
Shareholders have waited for years and hear so much and see zero delivered except a dividend that itself was questionable. The complete lack of communication from the so called best CEO in the world says volumes.
We need someone to take the reigns. If we don't, so many will have lost once again under just another CEO in the company. It isn't fair and it isn't right. Something needs to be done. Joe was supposed to deliver after so many messes and instead, he created the biggest mess of all and now it needs to be cleaned up by someone one more time.