$NMXS Net Medical Xpress has two operating units. Net Medical Xpress provides telemedicine solutions for hospitals, nursing homes, specialty hospitals and other medical facilities. The company specializes in teleneurology, teleneurosurgery, telecardiology, teleorthopedics, telewoundcare and telenephrology. We maintain a 24/7/365 call center, software developers, and telemedicine platforms. In additional, Net Medical Labs is a moderate complex CLIA certified lab that specializes in virus testing and diagnostics. The company uses bioMerieux's proprietary PCR testing module that is the only test that can detect 22 separate viral pathogens and has been approved by the FDA. The company's mobile fleet of vans is utilized to provide statewide COVID and FLU testing for schools, companies, homeless shelters, and nursing homes. The lab also serves as a reference lab for physician offices, and other facilities that lack services for complex virus diagnostics.