TherapeuticsMD Inc. TXMD Insider Position Details
Post# of 103888
There are presently around $42 million, or 37.00% of TXMD stock, in the hands of institutional investors. The top three institutional holders of TXMD stocks are: BLACKROCK INC. with ownership of 25,306,542, which is approximately 1.878% of the company’s market cap and around 0.80% of the total institutional ownership; VANGUARD GROUP INC, holding 18,910,787 shares of the stock with an approximate value of $5.94 million in TXMD stocks shares; and FMR LLC, currently with $4.38 million in TXMD stock with ownership of nearly 0.357% of the company’s market capitalization.
Positions in TherapeuticsMD Inc. stocks held by institutional investors increased at the end of February and at the time of the February reporting period, where 75 institutional holders increased their position in TherapeuticsMD Inc. [NASDAQ:TXMD] by around 11,870,902 shares. Additionally, 60 investors decreased positions by around 47,226,325 shares, while 41 investors held positions by with 74,110,191 shares. The mentioned changes placed institutional holdings at 133,207,418 shares, according to the latest SEC report filing. TXMD stock had 24 new institutional investments in for a total of 4,053,642 shares, while 26 institutional investors sold positions of 19,315,323 shares during the same period.