No seriously… i really would drop expectations of getting constant updates. I think it would be best for one high level view once new ceo is settled in. That may take who knows a month or so. It is what nadar last stated and what cydy did a slide show of the path forward for the entire year. Believe it or not i think they did pretty well as far as staying on time line for most items. Obviously brazil did not fill quickly like we were hoping more like a turtles pace, and long haulers trial filled fast got very very promising results, MtNBC data was very promising even better than any other drug 12.5 vs 12 month survival which is very likely now more significant with 4 months of added potential survival data for many of the patients. I think that may be just as big as nash if we could get a BTD or partner. Or maybe someone wants the whole
Kitten caboodle because they would be buying a very near revenue maker in large HIV market , with nice potential for Covid Severe/Critical, Covid Longhaulers, MTNbC, and Nash which would all most likely be phase 3 onestep away from MEGA revenue makers. Why wait for a buyout if big pharma likely to pay 10x 20x more for it once its fully guaranteed huge revenue at that point cydy wouldnt need them. So we can all keep speculating i use to wonder when can i sell a small amount of shares at respectable price so i can buy a new sports car. I said fk it YOLO bought the car and will just patiently wait for SP to go way up before i replace some of my savings.