The CEO tweets are inexcusable. Many bought it based on what he said. He was very direct and when you look at the them stacked in front of you, it is insane to see where we are now. Couple that with all the cheerleading…go back and look…follow the tweets. Go back and look. Everyone should make it their mission to call them out. There are hype machines out there…make it your civic duty to warn others and call them out. Our CEO is of no use and does nothing either way. I want to avoid a newbie getting roped in. DO NOT ALLOW them to say do your own DD..they are full of it…ask any of them what we own? Legit, what we are and what we own?? They can’t and won’t. Do not allow the deflection. One day soon, I hope I am proven wrong. I will take my beating if I am. While I wait to loose it all, I will calm them all out…KABLOOEY to Ya’ll!
PS-UNVC on twitter is a cesspool
Of pumps….follow the tweets! Call them out!