APSI! https://twitter.com/inc_apsi/status/14838094
Post# of 37086
APSI - Aqua Power Systems Inc (@inc_apsi)
$APSI update: certified mail service did not locate Tadashi Ishikawa (former CEO) to serve him with the complaint regarding the 32mm shares. Which allows us to now move on to the public notification stage. (Tweet 1 of 2)
Twitter•Today at 9:31 AM
APSI - Aqua Power Systems Inc (@inc_apsi)
$APSI (tweet 2 of 2. Hate Twitter 4 such small of characters allowed). Starting this week and for a total of 4 weeks public notification will be placed in a newspaper to announce the pending case. Step by step we get closer. Simultaneously reviewing potential vend-in options.
Twitter•Today at 9:33 AM