Since there has been no comment on the issuing of preferred dividends using block chain to flush out the shorts, I made a few calls to people that know more than me as block chain is still the shinny new kid on the block to me and I'm still leary but found out it is completely viable and this method is being used as we speak. I hope Cytodyn can apply it to their situation although it would take some time to put in place. The key is that once they issue dividends through block chain, the shorts have to pay up immediately. There is no grace period. I hate waiting for news and watching the price get stepped on at the end of the day. This would at least allow it to have a semblance of actual value. From looking at the OSTK chart from 11/20 you can see when it was implemented, it went from 3.23 to 120 and settled at around 60,where it is today. Quite a ride! I will not belabor the point after this.This aside, I am obviously awaiting the good news this week to show the world we are at the very least making scientific progress with this amazing drug. GLTA
Link for the OSTK implementation and explanation: