$XALL Xalles is announcing that Coatcha Limited in the UK, SpeechMed (Taylannas, Inc.) of Florida, FetchCoins, Inc. of Maryland, and Appy Perks Inc. of Nevada are now officially engaged with Xalles Studio. Appy Perks offers businesses a fun way to bring in new customers and improve retention by allowing local customers to "Spin for Perks" that are offered by your business. FetchCoins will be the premier platform for pet and brand engagement. Through an innovative mix of technology and computer science, users can connect with brands effortlessly and earn great rewards. SpeechMed helps to make medical information understandable for everyone at any time through the first healthcare app where users can read and listen to vital medical information in their own language. Coatcha is using a correspondent banking relationship model, to facilitate fast inexpensive payments while profiting from the foreign exchange transfers.