whats up Wowserolator, Got a correction for u on that Mercola article.. VAERS is off by 4 to 1 not 41. The docs intern kinda needed a proof read or listen to Dr. Peter McCaulouch a little closer On Joe Rogans podcast Dr. M said 4 to 1 . so 80,000 deaths not 800,000 deaths. Didnt want you scaring Leo to much. By the way, somewhere in the podcast the good Dr. sighted someones website with a possible antidote for the clot shot, didnt really say any specifics but he gave research hints. I know a few people are talking aboout zeolite for a heavy metal cleanse also a chorella and cilantro blend. I think though the moar boosters one takes the further down the road to ruin ones immunity system spirals. would speculate that this milder more virulent Omnicrom's spread will bring herd immunity qhickly and the Fauci fraud will become punishable.
all in good time me pretty, wizard shade