Really hoping this decision was not done unliterally by Cytodyn and there was some guidance/feedback from our CRO in Brazil with sound logical reasoning for cutting interim for 50 patients. One thing in life my dad always told me was never take shortcuts. Cytodyn, from what I've seen, seems to have a a habit of trying to shortcut the process with the excuse of being cash-strapped. Seems when Cytodyn does take shortcuts it shoots itself in the foot. Nader if you're reading this (and I know you are lol) as a shareholder for over 5 years I'd prefer things go slow and be done right then be rushed to save the stock price or boost shareholder morale. The phrase "interim analysis" has been used enough times by the CEO over the last 1.5 years to no avail that I'm just going to assume we will need to fill the entire trial.