Post# of 8615
Pink >> Common Stock >> USA >>
Price low: .0008
Price high: .0014
Here's the best of the best:
.0013 VGID AS 5B; OS 3.7B; UR: 2.8B
.0009 GRSO AS 10B; OS 6.8B; UR 6.8B
.0013 ATYG AS 15B; OS 5.8B; UR 5B *
.0014 PBHG. Can't verify the SS. Might be a good pick though.
.0012 BYOC AS 30B; OS 8B; UR 7.7B
.0011 AFOM AS 4.2B; OS 4.2B; UR 4.2B **
.0007 EVIO AS 20B; OS 5.1B; UR 5.1B ***
.0012 PLPL AS 11B; OS 6.1B; UR 6B ****
.0009 JAMN AS 7B; OS 5B; UR 3B *****
* ATYG. I like this one. They are looking for a merger. Actually quite funny: We will give you shares to sell in return for your business opportunity to improve share structure. lolol
Sounds like the essence of the OTC Market. It will end bad, but there is money to be made there. Don't be a bagholder. Be smarter than the others.
** AFOM. I really like this one. They actually do stuff like make movies: Drama Drama:
Love it! Reminds me of a Disney flick. BUT OBVIOUSLY they are using this ticker as a vehicle to raise money $$$ to fund future endevours. 10 movies in the next 5 years? lololol yea right.
They raised AS, but that hints that no reverse split will happen. Trade it. Be smarter than the others.
*** EVIO. I like this one. Bid the dumps. Don't buy ask
**** PLPL. I like this one. Bid the dumps. Don't buy ask.
***** JAMN. Looking good. Bidding