I would be very happy with a up grade to OTCQX U.S
Post# of 85576
Eligibility Standards
Not be a Shell Company or Blank-Check Company
Not be subject to any Bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings
Not a Penny Stock
Have Priced Quotes by a market maker on OTC Link
Submit a Letter of Introduction from an OTCQX Sponsor
Have a transfer agent that participates in the Transfer Agent Verified Share Program
Disclosure Standards
Meet one of the following Reporting Standards:
SEC Reporting Standard
Regulation A Reporting Standard
Alternative Reporting Standard
Audited annual financials by a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) auditor and unaudited interim financial reports, prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP
Timely disclosure of material news
Corporate Governance Standards
Have a board of directors that includes at least 2 Independent Directors;
Have an Audit Committee, a majority of the members of which are Independent Directors; and
Conduct annual shareholders' meetings and make annual financial reports available to its shareholders at least 15 calendar days prior to such meetings