I agree 100%. What the company is doing right now is generating huge revenue growth, and it'll become readily apparent when the remaining financial reports are released. The problem that was holding the financials back has been solved. There's nothing holding back the reports to follow other than the usual time for the accounting firm to process normal quarterly/year-end data. The trading limitations are a major pain to flippers, but a short lived inconvenience to those truly invested long term who've already stuck it out through the flogging we got from the out-of-bounds dealings of the founder. This is NOTHING compared to that, because their revenues are providing most of the capital for the ongoing growth, UNLIKE the situation we were in where the company was hit with the high costs associated with the legal defense/offense required to clean up that mess and the inevitable 1/20 RS that followed. We just didn't have the revenue to get through that without big dilution. The revenues are now pouring in. The remaining reports will verify that, and the growth in the value of our investment will in turn verify that this is definitely just an irritating inconvenience as opposed to some kind of ill omen. I'm holding my shares tightly. What's coming will make the stress of toughing it out post RS all very much worth it IMHO.
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